Project Description

Founder and Lead Consultant of Farmers Market Pros

Catt Fields White is the Founder and Lead Consultant of Farmers Market Pros.

Farmers Market Pros promotes financial sustainability, community engagement and entrepreneurship for local market managers, small farmers and food makers. Online Vendor-101 and Marketing for Market courses prepare prospective vendors for success. Now in its 9th year, InTents: The National Farmers Market Conference brings farmers’ market managers and participants from throughout the US and Canada together for three days of speakers, workshops and roundtables. Catt is the co-host of Tent Talk, the weekly Farmers’ Market Podcast, and the online Farmers Market Pros Community, and works as a Technical Advisor for USDA FMPP grantees.

As the Founding Director of San Diego Markets since 2008, Catt built the team that brings farmers to the city and more than 25,000 people to the table weekly, developing and managing multiple year-round farmers’ markets including San Diego County’s largest, the six-block long Little Italy Mercato.

A former restaurant owner, marketing consultant and publisher, Catt writes and speaks about food, farms and business for regional and national publications and at conferences and events worldwide. She facilitates the monthly State Leaders Network call for the national Farmers’ Market Coalition Forum and participates annually at the World Farmers Market Coalition general assembly in Rome, Italy.

Catt’s dedication to local food systems is inspired and motivated by her nine grandchildren and her determination to preserve healthy food options for them and for coming generations.


TRUTH OR DARE: Speak Up for Farmers Markets

More than 12,000 farmers markets operate in the United States and Canada alone, hosting some quarter million producers and small businesses. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that is hiding in plain sight, rarely included in food system conversations or news stories. Big box stores slap “Farmers Market Fresh” signs above bins of imported produce and delivery services claim to “bring the farmers market to you”. Join Farmers Market Pro Catt Fields White to talk about how to raise our voices, call out greenwashing, and speak up for farmers markets.