
Infectious Disease Training for Farmers Markets
March 2, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Farmers markets and farms (considered medium risk employers) are now required by the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry to train their employees (paid and unpaid) on the hazards and characteristics of the SARSCoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease, safe and healthy work practices, personal protective equipment and other infectious disease topics.
Infectious disease plans are also required for Medium Risk Employers with 11 or more employees (paid and unpaid).
To assist farmers markets in complying with these mandates, VAFMA is offering a training class that walks attendees through the steps of compliance. Harrisonburg City COVID-19 Response Coordinator, Paul Helmuth, will guide attendees through the requirements and how they apply to farmers markets.
Through this class, participants will receive:
— A certificate of completion
— An infectious disease plan template along with training on how to customize it to fit your business
— Education on and digital materials for training your employees
— A link to a recording of the training
About the Instructor
Paul Helmuth is the Deputy Emergency Coordinator and has coordinated the COVID-19 response for the City of Harrisonburg.
Paul has spent 30 years in emergency services as a paramedic, firefighter and emergency manager. He has helped create plans for biological and terrorism responses for the last 19 years for both public and private responses including responses for anthrax, influenza, Ebola, and now COVID-19.
Cost & Registration
$150 for members
$225 for non-members