Capitol Square Farmers Market Opens
OnTheSquareVA Farmers Market opened Friday with 20 vendors and a crowd of 600 people during the two hour lunchtime market. The market is part of the Governor’s initiative OnTheSquareVA — a series of activities designed to get state employees up and moving and enjoying Capitol Square while engaging with their coworkers.
“Our farmers and producers are very fortunate to have the full support of the Northam Administration,” said Lisa Dearden, RVAgriculture executive and VAFMA board member. “There are a lot of state agencies who have worked very hard to ensure that this market was able to continue this season. Indeed, three of them, in addition to the City of Richmond’s Tax Enforcement Department, worked with me this past week to ensure that all of our vendors’ permits were valid and up to date, and their Meals Tax vouchers were current.”
RVagriculture is the non-profit organization managing the market for the state.