Base Camp: Exploring the Trails, Agritourism, and Downtown Ecosystem

Save the dates, October 18-21, 2021 for
Base Camp: Exploring the Trails, Agritourism, and Downtown Ecosystem
Theme: Resilience, Relevance, Connectivity
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Daily
3 Days with 4th Day Workshop
Keynote Speakers:
Cassidy Rasnick, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade
Liz Thorstensen, Vice President, Trail Development, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
John Kennedy, Speaker, Author, and Strategist with Agritourism.Life
Stephanie Smith, President, SASC – a strategic communications agency
Chuck Flink, FASLA, PLA, an award-winning author, landscape architect, and planner
Amy Camp, Cycle Forward – trail tourism consulting
and author of “Deciding on Trails: 7 Practices of Healthy Trail Towns”
First 100 people to register receive Amy Camp’s book!
$25.00 per day
$50.00 for workshop
$100.00 for entire conference and workshop
$75.00 for Early Bird Registration
Brought to you by:
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Virginia Tourism Corporation
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Virginia Farmers Market Association
Virginia Cooperative Extension
National Park Service

FRESHFARM is a proud supporter of VAFMA