3/17/22 Update: View Recording here and access resources here.
The Virginia Farmers Market Association invites all Farmers Market Managers in Virginia to join us for our 2022 Season Kickoff meeting and training!
This online gathering is open to both members and non-members, free of charge.
March 16, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Theme: Connections & Changes Impacting Virginia’s Farmers Markets
During the first part of the meeting, VAFMA will connect you with people and resources that will help you navigate the 2022 market season. We will share policy and regulation updates impacting farmers markets while also sharing new funding and marketing resources.
The second part of the meeting will give you time to connect with other market managers in your region. Everyone will separate into Zoom breakout rooms by region.
You’ll leave updated and connected with a list of key contacts for help resolving market issues.
1:00 pm – 2:50 pm: Virginia Market Updates
2:50 pm – 3:00 pm: Stretch break
3:00 pm – 3:30 (or longer if your group chooses): Open conversation in breakout rooms by region
Welcome and introductions
Ricky Kowalewski, Market Manager, Lynchburg Community Market; VAFMA’s Blue Ridge Regional Director
Virginia is for Farmers Market Lovers, Virginia Certified Farmers Market System, & General Assembly updates
Kim Hutchinson, Executive Director, Virginia Farmers Market Association (VAFMA)
Virginia Food Safety & Hemp Updates
Pam Miles, Program Supervisor, Food Safety Program, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS)
Virginia Department of Health Updates
Carol Puckett, Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
SNAP, EBT Equipment, Deauthorization, Market Manager Survey
Meredith Ledlie Johnson, Virginia Family Nutrition Program
Virginia Fresh Match incentives updates
Elizabeth Borst, Director, Virginia Community Food Connections
Stretch break and then resume at 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Regional discussions