Project Description

Director of Programs, Shalom Farms

Alistar Harris is a food systems change worker investing in practices which center liberation and collaboration. As an immigrant to the U.S., he places high value on diverse views, curiosity, and openness to change. He has a background in experiential learning, leadership development, agricultural food production, and network building. As Director of Programs at the nonprofit farm and food justice organization, Shalom Farms he guides program strategy, distribution, and health equity partnerships.

Alistar is a child, sibling, dad, and spouse within a large family of relations both in South Africa and the United States. A brown, cis-man, born and raised in apartheid South Africa, he comes from a place with a storied agricultural past and future. He is from a people for whom laughter and joy is effervescent, who knows how to alchemize suffering into growth, and for whom hugs are love embodied. He brings with him a deep humility, love, and care for people, plants, and soil – always grounded in radical hope.

Together with his wife, Alistar is most proud to be raising two children who are curious about the world. They make a home and garden in Richmond’s Northside neighborhood.