Virginia is for Farmers Market Lovers!
Celebrate National Farmers Market Week, August 6 – 12, 2023
Virginia is for Farmers Market Lovers — ALL farmers market lovers!
During National Farmers Market Week this year, we are highlighting how access to fresh, nutritious food has expanded thanks to the Farm Market Fresh program, Virginia Fresh Match and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) at markets.
On our map, customers can search for markets by program. Our map now shows that Virginia has 265 farmers markets:
- 150 markets participate in the federal Senior and WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (Farm Market Fresh)
- 122 markets accept SNAP payments from consumers
- 74 markets accept Virginia Fresh Match
It also lists the produce farms authorized to accept Farm Market Fresh. There are now 270 approved farms. That’s 96 new farms added this year!

Market Visit Schedule for VAFMA & Our Partners
During National Farmers Market Week, VAFMA and our partners will be visiting markets across the state. VAFMA staff, board members and our partners at VDACS and Virginia Fresh Match all plan to visit markets. (current schedule below – more dates being added)

Celebrate with us during National and Virginia Farmers Market Week, August 6 – 12, 2023!
Step 1) Visit a market near you or near to where you are traveling.
- Use our frequently updated map of Virginia Farmers Markets OR
- Download our Virginia Farmers Market Trail app in the Apple App Store
Step 2) Visit a farmers market during Farmers Market Week and enjoy the amazing bounty from Virginia’s farmers, chefs, bakers and artisans!
Step 3) Post about your adventure on social media and tag us! We’ll be sharing customer posts and photos from our market visits.
Instagram: @virginiafarmersmarkets
Facebook: @VAFMA4U
Twitter: @VAFarmersMkts

National Farmers Market Week Resources
VAFMA partner, the Farmers Market Coalition (FMC), offers resources, tools and graphics to help markets celebrate and promote National Farmers Market Week.
VAFMA members are also FMC members. Log in to their website to access members-only tools in addition to all of their free resources.