Garden2Table Tour in Chesapeake
Chesapeake Correctional Center Garden: Sheriff Jim O’Sullivan, Major Strathmann, Captain John Morgan, Lieutenant Herbert Griffin, Deputy Simien and Deputy Hatton, Deputy Stahler – food will be donated to low income and homebound seniors.

Southeastern Cooperative Educational Programs: Principal Christian Nierman, instructor and greenhouse manager Carrie Abaka-Williams: cecep- alternative education (youth with behavioral issues or disabilities) raising plants and donating them to Healthy Chesapeake to support various community gardens throughout Chesapeake.

Great Bridge High School ‘Wildcat’ Garden: Christopher Lessick English teacher and National Honor Society students. Produce to be donated to low-income children and seniors.

Southeastern Virginia Training Center: residential community for adults with mental and physical disabilities. They raise plants to support community gardens. Residents volunteer to help maintain community gardens.