Virginia Farmers Market Week Contest
How It Works The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) and the Virginia Farmers Market Association (VAFMA) are pleased to announce their partnership in recognizing National Farmers Market Week in the [...]
Local Line Webinar
Farmers Selling Online: Using Local Line Brought to you by the Virginia Farmers Market Association and Virginia State University In partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia State University College of Agriculture, [...]
Lulus Local Food Webinar
Brought to you by the Virginia Farmers Market Association and Virginia State University In partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia State University College of Agriculture, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, [...]
Virginia Fresh Match Mini-Grants
Dear Virginia Fresh Match partner, On behalf of Virginia Fresh Match (VFM), I'd like to invite you to apply for a mini-grant to support your outlet's nutrition incentive program during the COVID-19 crisis. In March and April, VFM held weekly [...]
Grants for Farms Through Farm Aid
From Local Food Hub: To help lessen the financial toll of this outbreak, Farm Aid has launched the Farm Aid COVID-19 Farmer Resilience Initiative for emergency relief grants in the amount of $500 for [...]
Pandemic-EBT Use at SNAP Authorized Markets
Pandemic EBT Flyer Virginia Pandemic-EBT can be used at SNAP authorized markets and matched through the Virginia Fresh Match program. Please read this flyer carefully. If you are eligible, you will get a Virginia [...]