Virginia Fresh Match: Fair Access to Fresh Food!
Virginia Fresh Match (VFM) is a network of farmers markets, mobile markets, and community food stores across Virginia. VFM locations offer nutrition incentives that double the value of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) dollars spent on fruits and vegetables. With VFM, SNAP shoppers can afford more fruits and vegetables, local farmers earn extra income, and more dollars stay in the local economy. Local Environmental Agriculture Project (LEAP) serves as fiscal sponsor. Learn more at www.VirginiaFreshMatch.org.
New to SNAP?
Is your market interested in accepting SNAP? If so, first check out Virginia Cooperative Extension’s EBT Toolkit for Farmers Markets (which includes a step-by-step EBT manual and SNAP marketing templates).
If you manage a market in Virginia, your market is eligible for free SNAP EBT equipment through the Virginia Department of Social Services (contact Khristy Horne).
Accept SNAP but New to Virginia Fresh Match?
Does your market already accept SNAP, but doesn’t yet offer nutrition incentives? Virginia Fresh Match is always looking to expand Virginia’s network to new markets. Learn more about joining the VFM network.
Want to Reach More SNAP Customers?
Does your market already offer nutrition incentives, but you want to reach even more SNAP customers? VCE’s SNAP Self-Assessment tool (see EBT Toolkit) can help your market attract and retain more SNAP customers.

Contact Info:
Sam Hedges
Director of Operations
Elizabeth Borst
Director of Advocacy, Virginia Fresh Match