The annual farmers market manager survey from Virginia Cooperative Extension Family Nutrition Program, the Virginia Farmers Market Association, and the Virginia Fresh Match network is open. Please help us better serve you by sharing information about your market.
This survey is designed to gather data on farmers markets in Virginia during the 2020 season. This includes on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented additional challenges to many markets. Your responses will help the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) Family Nutrition Program, the Virginia Farmers Market Association (VAFMA), and the Virginia Fresh Match (VFM) network better serve markets across the Commonwealth. This survey should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. You are not required to complete this survey and may withdraw from the survey at any time. Your responses will not be shared with anyone outside of the survey team except in aggregate to protect your market information.
Thank you for your participation and ongoing work.