What happens if … ? The Risk and Liability of Running a Farmers Market
Is your farmers market prepared for an emergency or accident? Does your insurance policy cover what it needs to cover? Do you know how to document an incident? In this webinar, Katie Atkinson of New Oak Insurance will help you answer these questions. She will discuss the potential big issues to look out for and how to conduct an annual checkup. She will also share the questions to ask your insurance agent to make sure your market or vendor business is fully covered.
The answers to these questions may be different whether your market:
- is on public property versus private property
- uses volunteer or paid staff
- is a non-profit, government or private organization
Join us October 12, 2022 at 3pm via Zoom to ensure that you are taking the necessary precautions. Free Registration
About our Speaker:
Katie Atkinson is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University and the founder of New Oak Insurance Co. She partners with individuals and local businesses to develop risk mitigation strategies and protect their most valuable assets with Top Shelf Coverage at happy hour prices. She is excited to share her insurance knowledge with the Virginia Farmers Market Association community and her fellow business owners. Katie is always open to meeting at a local RVA coffeehouse to discuss your insurance needs.
A recording will be available for registrants.