VAFMA Seeks Instructors for Market Manager Certification Program
The Virginia Farmers Market Association is expanding its training offerings for market managers and is seeking leaders for specific topics to be taught in 2023. Interested parties are invited to review the list of topics and corresponding learning objectives. Each class should be created to be 1.5 hours long with another half hour for questions/discussion. Class size is generally 30 market managers. Classes will be held online and recorded. A stipend of $300 is available to presenters. Applicants can apply for teaching multiple modules.
Successful proposals should include:
- A brief overview of the applicant’s experience in the topic
- Proposed lesson plan
- Links to any resources referenced in the lesson plan
- An assignment (Assignments should be immediately usable. For example, having students draft a cover letter for their sponsorship package).
Successful applicants will be expected to teach their module during 2023 for VAFMA. The class will be recorded and used again in the future by VAFMA. Successful applicants will be asked to have a short 30 minute review of their content prior to presentation with VAFMA staff.
If you are applying for a 101 level course module in your proposal but cannot teach the class live due to a conflict, please note that in the comment section of the submission form. (Dates are in the module description file) All 201 level modules will only be offered as recordings.
Link to proposal submission form:
Submission Due November 25, 2023