

Market Vendor Lunchtime Webinar Series

During our spring vendor trainings, we asked attendees what additional topics they wanted us to cover. From that input, Rachel Henley and Sarah Sharpe of Virginia Cooperative Extension have scheduled 5 upcoming free [...]

New Report on Parks and Rec Run Farmers Markets

From the National Recreation and Park Association: A new report issued by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), Farmers Markets—Parks and Recreation Connecting Communities to Healthy Foods, highlights the vital role park and recreation [...]

Going to Market: A Guide to Selling Food at Farmers Markets

A Guide to Selling Raw, Processed and Prepared Food Products at Farmers’ Markets, Stores & Roadside Stands Prepared by Renee Boyer, Associate Professor, Extension Specialist & Joell Eifert, Director of Food Innovations Center, Food Science & Technology [...]

River Street Market in Petersburg Virginia

River Street Market in Petersburg Virginia By Cheryl Bursch River Street Market was founded and started up by 3 local business owners in 2017. During the first season Richard Cuthbert took over as [...]

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