Virginia Farmers Market Manager Resources
Speakers at VAFMA’s March 2022 Virginia Market Manager Meeting shared many useful tools, updates, presentations, and contact info. We’ve pulled them together on this page. You can view the full recording of the meeting on our YouTube channel. Below you will find each presentation and links to the resources they mentioned.
Full Presentation
Farmers Market Preparedness for Vendors Webinars
Virginia is for Farmers Market Lovers Trail – make sure your market is on the trail!
Market Manager Certification Program
Getting to Greener – How Markets Can Get to Plastic Free
Apply to Join the VAFMA Board – VAFMA is accepting applications for regional directors in Capital, Central and Northern Virginia areas. Also one Director-At-Large position is available. Download this application, fill it out and email it to Kim Hutchinson.
Old Time Wooden Nickel Co – 10% off to members of the Farmers Market Coalition (VAFMA members are FMC members) – code is listed in FMC’s member benefits section.
EZUp Discount – Welcome10 – 10% off first order
See the full presentation for all of the details
Home and commercial kitchen-based food businesses
‘How To’ documents that outline the application process and what to expect during an inspection:
- Commercial Kitchen Food Processing Operation Guidance (pdf)
- Home Food Processing Operation Guidance (pdf)
Links to applications, laws & regulations
Eggs can be graded by the producer
- VDACS Food Safety Program inspects processors of industrial hemp-derived extracts intended for human consumption
Specific application for hemp processors - ‘How To’ document that outlines the application process and what to expect during an inspection (pdf)
See the full presentation for all of the details
Presentation covers these topics:
- VDH-VDACS MOU (January 2022)
- Mobile Unit Food Safety
- Temporary Food Establishments
- Operational Requirements for VDH Permitted establishments
- Farmers markets working with their local health departments
See the full presentation for all of the details
Virginia Fresh Match Market Season Kick Off Event!
- March 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM via Zoom
- Link will be sent out by VFM over network
- All are invited!
Virginia Market Manager Survey
State of Virginia Farmers Markets
WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program
Kelly Wright, Nutrition Program Coordinator
See the full flyer for all of the details
Wireless POS Device for Farmers Markets
Increasing SNAP redemptions at Farmers Markets will provide SNAP participants greater access to fresh and healthy food, while supporting American farmers and local economies.
The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) can provide to eligible farmers markets/direct marketing farmers:
- One Wireless POS
- No Fees Incurred that are associated with SNAP Only transactions
The device provided by VDSS may also be used for debit and credit transactions but, VDSS will not pay fees associated with debit and credit transactions. You will be billed directly by the vendor for all debit/credit related fees.
The application process:
- Farmers Market (FM)/Direct Marketing Farmer (DMF) applies for authorization to accept SNAP at https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/farmer-producer.
- FM/DMF receives approval, FNS number
- FM/DMF contacts VDSS at askva_fm@dss.virginia.gov to request POS device and provides the following information:
- Farmers Market Name:
- Farmers Market Contact:
- Farmers Market Phone:
- Farmers Market Email:
- FNS #:
- VDSS forwards the information to our EBT vendor
- EBT vendor contacts the FM/DMF to arrange delivery of the wireless device to FM/DMF and instructions on use
Replacement POS Device Process
- FM/DMF requests replacement of POS no longer under warranty and provides VDSS with same information needed when requesting new POS device
- VDSS confirms FM/DMF still authorized to accept SNAP
- VDSS confirms with vendor that 3 year warranty has expired, if appropriate
- VDSS forwards information to EBT vendor for new device
For further information, contact: Khristy Horne, (804)546-1845, Khristy.Horne@dss.virginia.gov.
You can use this link to become authorized to accept SNAP. You must apply and be approved by FNS prior to accepting SNAP/EBT benefits.
askva_fm@dss.virginia.gov – You can use this email to send your questions and concerns regarding your application to FNS or requesting new or replacement equipment.
- Questions about receiving SNAP as payment would go to FNS. All retailer information that we have is listed at: https://www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/ebt_card/retailer_information.cgi.
- If their EBT equipment is at end of life they may be eligible for replacement. They should contact us (EBT) and include the information received (they get an email) along with their FNS number.
- New Markets should be in contact with SNAP ED Agent for assistance getting set up. If they don’t know who that person is here is the link: https://ext.vt.edu/food-health/family-nutrition-program/outreach-instructors-map.html.
- The company that they would buy tokens from is Old Tyme Wooden Nickel Company. They should be talking to their SNAP ED agent for assistance with tokens. (Per Fresh Market Groups Tokens are expensive, they recommend coupons).
See the full presentation for all of the details
Virginia Fresh Match: Virginia’s Nutrition Access Network
Strengthening Access to Fruits and Vegetables
- A statewide network of partners working collaboratively to increase nutrition access
- 90 partner outlets in every region, including farmers
markets, mobile markets, farm stands, rural general stores,
and community-based food retailers - Virginia Fresh Match-related sales (SNAP + match) at these
outlets totaled over $1.3M in 2021 - VFM incentives in 2021 represent a 90% increase over 2020, demonstrating both increasing impact and escalating need
- 10 Regional Lead (RL) organizations support VFM with outlets and regional stakeholders
Virginia Fresh Match Steps
Step 1: Become SNAP authorized with SNAP-Ed support
Step 2: Get free equipment from VDSS
Step 3: Contact VFM Regional lead to join the VFM network
○ VFM offers peer to peer support for practitioners
○ Outlets sign a contract and report sales to LEAP
○ VFM reimburses for incentives redeemed through GusCRR grant
To find VFM outlets:
To connect with VFM Regional Leads:
For Questions:
The Office for Aging Services of the Division for Community Living
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults program
Virginia’s Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults program helps eligible seniors get fresh, tasty, and nutritious locally-grown fruit, vegetables, and cut herbs. The program also supports local farmers and farmers’ markets in Virginia.
2022 Farm Market Fresh Farmer Handbook
Nutrition & S/FMNP Coordinator
Kelly Wright, RDN
Nutrition & S/FMNP Coordinator
Office of Aging Services | Div. of Community Living
1610 Forest Ave, Suite 100 | Henrico, VA 23229