Emilie Davis2018-01-24T01:43:53+00:00by Publication #FDNS-E-168-11. J.A. Harrison, J.W. Gaskin, M.A. This Farmers Market Self-Help form will identify areas in your operation that will help you minimize risk. [...]
by Publication #FDNS-E-168-11. J.A. Harrison, J.W. Gaskin, M.A. This Farmers Market Self-Help form will identify areas in your operation that will help you minimize risk. [...]
02/01/2012 by Harrison, Gaskin, Harrison, Canson, Boyer, Farmers markets are gaining in popularity. Product freshness, improved flavor, being able to meet the person who [...]
01/01/2014 by VDACS & Martha A. Walker, VACoop Extension Virgnia Farmers sell their produce through many venues including on-farm sales, farm stands, and farmers' markets. [...]
05/01/2011 by Bendfeldt, E.S., Walker, M., Bunn, T., Martin L This report was established for the Martinsville/Henry County region of Virgnia and outlines what a food system [...]
Studies have shown that farmers markets bring business into the hosting communities. Each dollar spent at a market can generate as much as an additional [...]
01/27/2015 by Econsult Corporation (Feb 2007) Public markets are unique economic and social institutions which are increasingly being viewed as tools to achieve a wide [...]
01/16/2012 by Scott DeNoon, Jesse Richardson, & Martha Walker The popularity of farmers’ markets has increased significantly over the past decade as consumers take a [...]
by Jesse J. Richardson Jr., Associate Professor, Virginia Tech Legal liability (or "liability" when used in this booklet) means responsibility under the law for your [...]
12/01/2012 by Jesse Richardson, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech In short, the answer is “it depends.” The consensus of professionals in the field is that any [...]
01/16/2012 by Jesse Richardson, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech The best way to minimize legal liability is to constantly monitor the conditions of your operation to [...]