Virginia is (now officially) for Farmers Market Lovers!
Virginia is for Farmers Market Lovers We are thrilled to share with you that Virginia is (now officially) for Farmers Market Lovers! The Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) granted VAFMA permission to use the [...]
New Report on Parks and Rec Run Farmers Markets
From the National Recreation and Park Association: A new report issued by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), Farmers Markets—Parks and Recreation Connecting Communities to Healthy Foods, highlights the vital role park and recreation [...]
Going to Market: A Guide to Selling Food at Farmers Markets
A Guide to Selling Raw, Processed and Prepared Food Products at Farmers’ Markets, Stores & Roadside Stands Prepared by Renee Boyer, Associate Professor, Extension Specialist & Joell Eifert, Director of Food Innovations Center, Food Science & Technology [...]
Celebrate Virginia Pollinator Week at the Capitol Square Farmers Market
Celebrate Virginia Pollinator Week at the Capitol Square Farmers Market What: Close out Virginia Pollinator Week at the farmers market on Governor St. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) will [...]
River Street Market in Petersburg Virginia
River Street Market in Petersburg Virginia By Cheryl Bursch River Street Market was founded and started up by 3 local business owners in 2017. During the first season Richard Cuthbert took over as [...]
Opening Day at Capitol Square Farmers Market
Capitol Square Farmers Market Opens OnTheSquareVA Farmers Market opened Friday with 20 vendors and a crowd of 600 people during the two hour lunchtime market. The market is part of the Governor's initiative [...]